Make the right impression with your website

When it comes to your business’s digital presence, your website needs to hit all the right marks, those being the customer’s core expectations when visiting your website.

Although it has been said many times, first impressions are important.
The first thing your customers see when they enter your storefront or office should positively represent the company. The same goes with your website.
Your homepage should accurately reflect what your company stands for and provides.
Don’t include fluff on your homepage that has nothing to do with your business. Long story short, the homepage must get straight to the point and prompt the users to learn more about what your company offers.

Your homepage is just the beginning of your website’s quality.
There are a lot of things to take into consideration such as user experience, ease of access, and layout. It should be easy to navigate through your website otherwise your potential customers will be discouraged from digging deeper.
This should also come hand in hand with the layout. Make the layout easy to read and use. Make sure that the content/information isn’t overwhelming to your user by having too much to read or see on your pages. Consider studying other websites’ layouts and take inspiration on how they place things throughout their website and if you had any difficulties moving about.

If you read our last blog post, you know that having a clean website is a good start. Not only that, but keeping any information up to date. Customer’s might be disappointed if they read one thing on your website, and it ends up not being true. One example would be to forget to take off a section of your website that details a service that is discontinued or, maybe even a product that isn't for sale anymore.
Having someone who is eagle-eyed and can maintain your website is important for upkeep your business’s long term digital presence.

If you need help with your business’s website or help starting one and keeping it on the right path, contact our team today!

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